The mathematical forumla for the fibonacci numbers is:
The first 50 fibonnacci numbers: 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1,597 2,584 4,181 6,765 10,946 17,711 28,657 46,368 75,025 121,393 196,418 317,811 514,229 832,040 1,346,269 2,178,309 3,524,578 5,702,887 9,227,465 14,930,352 24,157,817 39,088,169 63,245,986 102,334,155 165,580,141 267,914,296 433,494,437 701,408,733 1,134,903,170 1,836,311,903 2,971,215,073 4,807,526,976 7,778,742,049 12,586,269,025 ...
The first 10,000 fibonacci numbers you can download here (10MB).
As I portrayed Pi and prime-numbers the fibonacci-numbers aren't that well known, also they display any special significance at the first sight. But the numbers do appear in nature:
Shell Golden Mean You find in the in the ratio of the fibonacci pairs an approximation of the golden-mean:
8/5 = 1.6, 13/8 = 1.625, 21/13 = 1.61538...
More examples follow ...
Especially the fibonacci-numbers with their strong connection to nature you can look at them as a prayer build by the names (invocation) of the names of the numbers making up the sequence. As we address human with their names, the fibonacci- numbers already manifested themselves in so many ways, that when we invoke them we honor and acknowledge their presence in all their manifestations.