Patricia Sands has always been sensitive visually to the spiritual realms. As she grew in age and maturity, more channels were opened to her. There were many hallmark events in her life starting with a near-death experience she had when she was in her teens. What she experienced, saw and was told helped her understand her life and her figts to the world. She feeks vert blessed to be able to raise her family and paint her Angels all the time now. Her art has been well received, the best compliment she recalls was that it seemed the Angels allowed their essence to remain for they radiated such love
She uses mixed media such as oil paint and pastels on paper to create her
Angels. To see a larger selection of her paintings or to inquire about
purchasing one, please visit her website at or email her at
[email protected].
She sells both large originals in various sices and small prints and is
available to answer any questions you may have.